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Queer Politics and Sexual Modernity in Taiwan博客來好書會員好康 開箱文 博客來網路書店

內容簡介: Examining the deployments of gender and sexuality over the past five decades in Taiwan, this book chronicles a queer historiography that illuminates the production of sexual identities and the formation of sexual modernity. Through primary research and historical investigation, Hans Tao-Ming Huang offers a contextualised study of Pai Hsien-yung's Crystal Boys, one of Taiwan's first recognized gay novels, as he critically engages disparate discursive fields of dominant legal and medical discourses of sex, lesbian and gay activism, as well as mainstream feminist politics. He shows that the construction of male homosexuality as a term of social exclusion is historically linked to the state's banning of prostitution, further delineating a moral-sexual order that has come to be buttressed by the hegemonic rise of anti-prostitution state feminism since the 1990s. In exploring the imbrications of male homosexuality, prostitution and feminism in Taiwanese national culture, Huang boldly ventures a politics of sexual dissidence that contests state-inspired heteronormativity.


Hans Tao-Ming Huang

Hans Tao-Ming Huang is an assistant professor in the English Department of National Central University, Taiwan, where he is also affiliated with the Centre for the Study of Sexualities.


Queer Politics and Sexual Modernity in Taiwan博客來好書會員好康 好書推薦 博客來網路書店

  • 出版社:香港大學出版社    新功能介紹
  • 出版日期:2011/08/01
  • 語言:英文

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天使之城 = The city of angel


星石驛站 = Stars,not my destination

光之復讎 - 一個關於慾望不朽的故事 = Revenge of the light-born over lord






















Queer Politics and Sexual Modernity in Taiwan博客來好書會員好康


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